Automatic Moderation
Please note that our site uses an automatic system for the initial screening of articles. This means that before a manuscript is considered by an editor, it goes through an automated check. Failure to comply with formal requirements may result in your manuscript not being accepted for consideration.
Compliance with Requirements
We strongly recommend that you strictly follow all the formatting requirements set by our editorial board. For detailed information, refer to the sections "Manuscript and Accompanying Document Formatting Requirements" and "Manuscript Submission Procedure" located on the same page.
Minimum and Maximum Manuscript Length
Manuscripts of at least 30,000 characters, approximately equivalent to 3800 - 4000 words, are considered. Although there is no upper limit set, we recommend that manuscripts exceeding 80,000 characters (about 2 printed sheets) be divided into two logically connected and independent parts, submitted separately from each other.
Preliminary Manuscript Review
If you have doubts whether your manuscript fits the theme of our journal, we offer a preliminary check option. To do this, fill out the form at This will help determine if your work is suitable for publication in our journal.
After completing the form, the editorial board will contact you via the provided email address. Based on your inquiry and the provided information, we will suggest one of two options: submission of the manuscript for official consideration or rejection of further consideration.
Manuscript and Accompanying Document Formatting Requirements
The following are the main points of the requirements for formatting the manuscript and accompanying documents.
1. Preparation of Documents for Submission
Author Information: Prepare a file with author details (name, place of employment, city, country, email, ORCID) in both Russian and English. Use the appropriate template for English-speaking and Russian-speaking authors. File formats: DOCX, DOC, RTF, ODT. Note: If a Russian-speaking author prepares a manuscript in English, they should download templates for Russian-speaking authors.
Manuscript Text: Prepare the manuscript text without author identification, according to the template for English-speaking and/or Russian-speaking authors. File formats: DOCX, DOC, RTF, ODT. Note: If a Russian-speaking author prepares a manuscript in English, they should download templates for Russian-speaking authors.
Consent for Personal Data Processing: Fill out, sign, and scan the consent form using the provided template for English-speaking and/or Russian-speaking authors. File format: PDF. Note: If a Russian-speaking author prepares a manuscript in English, they should download templates for Russian-speaking authors.
2. Formatting the Manuscript Text
Metadata: The Title, Abstract, and Keywords in both languages should be placed on the first two pages of the document. Use Ctrl+Enter to separate the metadata from the manuscript text.
Manuscript Title: Formatting: no indent, centered, font size 14, bold, line spacing 1, font Times New Roman.
Abstract: Should contain 150-250 words and be formatted with justified alignment, font size 12, no indents, line spacing 1, font Times New Roman. Keywords (10 terms, separated by semicolons) should follow the abstract.
Structure of the Abstract: Research problem (3-4 sentences), research objective (1-2 sentences), results and conclusions (3-4 sentences), target audience (1-2 sentences).
Main Text: Formatting: font Times New Roman, size 14, justified alignment, line spacing 1, first line indent 1 cm. The text should be divided into meaningful sections (Introduction, Methods/Methodology, Results, Conclusion) or follow the IMRAD structure for empirical studies.
Acknowledgments: Information about research funding should be in a separate section.
Citation: Longer quotations (2-3 sentences) are formatted separately from the main text: Times New Roman, size 10, single line spacing, left and right indents 1 cm, justified alignment.
Text References: Format (surname, year, page), e.g., (Ivanov, 2009, p. 250) or (Ivanov, 2009, pp. 250-256). If the surname is already mentioned in the text or in the previous reference, it should not be repeated in brackets. If an author has several works from the same year, use letter designations (e.g., Ivanov, 2009a).
3. Reference List
Formatted according to APA 7th Edition standards. It is recommended to use Zotero, Mendeley, or EndNote for formatting references and the reference list.
Translation and Transliteration: Translate into English the titles of sources with official English titles, transliterate others. Add the note (In Russian) for Russian sources.
Minimum number of sources: 25.
Poorly formatted reference lists or translations can lead to rejection at the first stage of consideration.
Using references to sources in Cyberleninka or other databases (e.g., RSCI) is strictly prohibited. This will be grounds for rejection.
Website references must be strictly in APA 7th Edition style.
DOI should be listed as a link without indicating it's a DOI.
For example:, not DOI: 10.46539/cmj.v4i2.84 (the second option is strictly prohibited!)
Manuscript Submission Procedure
1. Profile Registration:
An author wishing to submit a manuscript must first register a free profile (account) on our journal's website. To do this, go to the Account Registration link - and enter your real name and email.
2. Manuscript Submission Process:
To submit a manuscript, use the Manuscript Submission System -, consisting of 5 steps:
First Step: Select the language of the manuscript and section, confirm compliance with all requirements, accept the terms of the agreement and privacy policy (link to privacy policy).
Second Step: Upload three pre-prepared documents: author information, manuscript text without author identification, and consent for personal data processing. Follow the instructions for uploading each file.
Third Step: Enter the metadata of the article (Title, Abstract, Keywords, Reference List) in both English and Russian. If necessary, add co-authors.
Fourth Step: Confirm the submission of the manuscript and accompanying documents.
Fifth Step: Choose whether to submit another manuscript or exit the system.
3. Confirmation of Receipt of Materials:
After successful upload of the article, the system will send you a notification. Please note that emails from the editorial office may end up in the SPAM folder of your mailbox. We recommend checking this folder regularly.