Overview of Corpus Mundi
Journal Description:
Corpus Mundi is a digital academic journal founded in 2020. Corpus Mundi specializes in publishing academic articles, reviews, informational resources, as well as reports on research expeditions and conferences. The Journal is exclusively available in digital format and does not have a printed version.
Publication Frequency:
The Journal is published twice a year, presenting current academic achievements and research.
Publication Languages:
The working languages of the Journal are Russian and English, covering a wide international audience. This means that articles are accepted in both Russian and English with mandatory metadata in both languages.
Thematic Focus:
The main area of interest is research in the field of corporeality, including Body Studies, the history of corporeality, bodily modifications, representation of the body in mass culture, literature, and art, as well as issues of historical and cultural memory and trauma.
Journal's Objective:
The main goal of the Journal is to create a platform for academic exchange and discussions in the field of Body Studies. The Journal aims to fulfill communicative and informational functions, contributing to the development of new research and discoveries in this area.
Journal's Philosophy:
The Journal adheres to the principles of cultural dialogue, philosophy of non-violence, and cultural tolerance. The main goal is to facilitate the removal of language barriers and respect for the diversity of national cultures.
Research Disciplines:
The Journal accepts publications in fields such as historical researches, anthropology, theory and history of culture, philosophy. However, this does not mean that articles and other materials written in other research fields will be categorically rejected. The Journal welcomes articles on issues of corporeality, written from the perspective of various academic directions or at the intersection of several researches, as such an approach, in our opinion, can be most effective and allow looking at known problems from a new angle.
Editorial Policy:
All submitted materials undergo a process of double-blind peer review, ensuring a high level of academic significance and accuracy. The editorial board insists on strict adherence to academic and ethical standards in published works.
Publication Terms:
The Journal offers free publication of articles, supporting the principles of open access to academic knowledge. No author's fee is paid for publication.
Rules for Creating an Archive by the Author
This Journal allows and even recommends authors to post articles submitted to this Journal for publication on their personal websites or other repositories both before and after the article's publication, preferably including a reference to the publication in this Journal in the bibliographic description.
List of Current Sections
General Theory:
This section is dedicated to publications that examine the fundamental theoretical aspects of corporeality. Articles here discuss key concepts and approaches in this field.
Subaltern Studies:
This section focuses on research in the field of small group theory, including social and postcolonial theories. It addresses issues related to marginalized and understudied social groups.
Animal Body:
This section deals with the study of the relationship between humans and animals, including ways of communication and interaction. It also analyzes representations of animals in culture and art.
Trauma Studies:
This section focuses on research related to the connection between trauma, memory, and identity, as well as the analysis of various narratives of trauma in the context of cultural and social discourses.
Body Modifications and Posthuman Body:
This section covers research related to the boundaries of human corporeality, interaction between the body and technology, and posthumanism concepts.
The Other's Body:
This section is devoted to the study of the concept of "The Other" in the context of corporeality, exploring various cultural and social aspects of this notion.
Body and Social Media:
This section analyzes the impact of social networks on the perception and representation of corporeality, as well as the interaction between technology and the human body.
This section is dedicated to the analysis of corporeality in literary works, exploring its various aspects and interpretations.
Clothing and Fashion:
This section investigates issues related to corporeality through the prism of clothing and fashion, and analyzes the influence of fashion on perceptions of the body.
Mass Culture:
This section focuses on the study of corporeality in various aspects of mass culture, including advertising, television, and other media.
Body in Art:
This section is devoted to the analysis of the body's representation in various forms of art, exploring its symbolic and aesthetic value.
Body of the World:
This section deals with research on corporeality in the context of global and local spaces, including the study of cultural and historical representations of the body in various cultures.
Critics & Reviews:
This section is intended for publishing reviews of academic works related to the theme of corporeality and adjacent areas.
This section includes a variety of materials, including congratulations, announcements, informational resources, reports on academic events, and other related materials.